1. channelization

    The creation of a channel or channels resulting in faster water flow, a reduction in hydraulic residence time, and less contact between water and solid surfaces in the water body.

  2. character

    A term used to describe the appearance, qualities and combination of attributes of an area, place, street or building that helps to give that place a distinct identity.

  3. clerestory

    A high window or set of windows usually above eye level that let light and sunlight into an inner space of a building.

  4. coherently planned

    A logical, considered and holistic design process leading to the deliver of a building, a set of buildings or a place.

  5. communal court

    A space (open or covered) surrounded by a building or a group of buildings that can be used by all building occupants.

  6. comprehensive development plan (cdp)

    A detailed plan that comprehensively considers issues such as landscape, heritage, urban design, traffic and stormwater during design, often part of a resource consent process. A CDP directs how large and complex developments will be undertaken over time. The CDP may include design guidance and may instruct the use of a design review panel. They have been used in the development of Hobsonville Point.

  7. conservation management plan

    A plan for the management of natural and historic resources and for recreation, tourism and other conservation purposes, which implements a conservation management strategy and establishes detailed objectives for integrated management within a place or places specified in a conservation management strategy (section 17E, Conservation Act 1987).

  8. conservation management strategy

    A strategy which implements general policies and establishes objectives for the integrated management of natural and historic resources, and for recreation, tourism and other conservation purposes. A strategy is reviewed every ten years (section 17D, Conservation Act 1987).

  9. conservation/ conserve

    Conservation is defined by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) New Zealand Charter (Revised 2010) as “all the processes of understanding and caring for a place so as to safeguard its cultural heritage value”, for present and future generations. Conservation is a process of managing potential change to significant places; it recognises opportunities to reveal or reinforce the heritage value of a place.

  10. consultation

    An invitation to give advice and consideration of that advice. To achieve consultation, sufficient information must be supplied and sufficient time allowed by the consulting party to those consulted to enable them to tender helpful advice. It involves an ongoing dialogue. It does not necessarily mean acceptance of the other party’s view, but enables informed decision-making by having regard to those views.

  11. context analysis

    An analysis of a site and its surroundings to understand such things as land form, landscape, building character, traffic and land use activities. This should be used to influence the design of a development and enhance the attributes of a particular site, street, and neighbourhood. A context analysis may include a site and neighbourhood analysis as required in a design statement.

  12. courtyard apartment building

    A building that houses apartments that encloses, and provides the ‘sides’ of one or more open spaces (courtyards) on a site. The open spaces are generally semi- or fully communal (shared by some or all apartments) and should provide a high quality landscaped environment and outlook.

  13. courtyard house

    A house that is built around a courtyard, which is usually enclosed by the house on a least 3 sides.

  14. cpted

    This acronym stands for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. It is a crime prevention philosophy based on good design and effective use of the built environment leading to a reduction both in the fear and incidence of crime, as well as an improvement in the quality of life. The use of CPTED is intended to reduce crime and fear by reducing criminal opportunity and fostering positive social interaction among legitimate users of space. The emphasis is on prevention rather than apprehension and punishment.

  15. critical root zone

    An imaginary circle on the ground that corresponds with the ‘dripline’ of the tree, sometimes called the tree protectionzone. This zone is used in determining allowable disturbance to the area around an existing tree during construction.

  16. curtilage

    The area immediately surrounding a building, often highlighted in the case of a heritage building.

  17. customary use

    Gathering and use of natural resources by tangatawhenua according to tikanga.

  18. cycle lane

    A land for the exclusive use of cyclists.

  19. cycle path

    A facility that is physically separated from pedestrians and motorised traffic and intended for the exclusive use of cyclists.