Treasure Our Communities Print

Design Outcome

​Engage early with all interested community members and groups to understand their needs and aspirations, and reflect their wishes in the design.

Work closely with the community to incorporate design elements which reflect a distinct sense of place. Tell local history stories, and convey the community's connection with the place.

Engage with stakeholders and the community

Working closely on the design of civic spaces with the local community will give an understanding of the site from a local perspective. Working together with the community can give them a sense of ownership of the space, which will improve its use and maintenance over time, as people will feel proud of the space and look after it. Designers should also engage with the wider Auckland community, as people from all over the region enjoy civic spaces.

Work successfully with the community by:

  • identifying and engaging with the surrounding local community and those likely to use the space frequently, e.g. local businesses, local workers, and local police
  • engaging children and young people in the design process
  • understanding how the space is currently used and aspirations for its future use
  • identifying local community issues, and concerns and addressing these in the design
  • keeping stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the process
  • ensuring stakeholders and the Local Board are working together and agree on priorities and options for the space.

Better Design Practice

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