Treasure The Natural Environment Print

Design Outcome

Identify, protect and enhance prominent views, natural landscape features, indigenous ecosystems and habitats, and areas of ecological or biodiversity value. 

Implement weed and pest management measures and restoration planting schemes where appropriate. Incorporate interpretive signage to help people understand and value our special natural environments.


Identify, recognise, understand and conserve ecosystems

Understand the flora and fauna that currently live on site. Protect habitats and species, and plan for their successful management in the future. Design to ensure that, over time, the biodiversity and ecological function of the site are enhanced. Understand the ecological composition of a site to identify design opportunities to restore or protect a threatened species or ecosystem. Restoration is the care and maintenance of the natural environment to allow it to regenerate and flourish, and to support native plants and animals that would naturally live in the area. Restoring Auckland's native habitats is increasingly important, as our population grows; we place more pressure on the biodiversity of our natural environment.


Conserve ecosystems by:

  • identifying any significant ecological areas (SEA) from the Unitary Plan
  • carrying out quantitative surveys to describe and map the existing flora and fauna, vegetation, habitat types, communities and ecosystems on site
  • planning for the successful management of key ecological areas
  • planning for revegetation, where appropriate
  • undertaking restoration planting
  • restoring a species which may be under threat or have disappeared from the site over time
  • developing  plant and animal pest management programmes, where required
  • removing harmful weed species and promoting native ecosystems
  • working together with local volunteers and groups to encourage them to become guardians of the park​



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