Treasure Our Maori Identity Print

Design Outcome

​Work with mana whenua to identify, protect and conserve sites of cultural significance, including wahi tapu.

Incorporate appropriate interpretation, design items, or artworks which connect visitors with our Maori identity, heritage and culture.

Enhance the mauri (environmental health) of the park

Maintaining and enhancing the quality of the wai (water) and the whenua (soil and air) of a park is very important to ensure the park provides spaces that support native flora and fauna. Mauritu (enhancing the park’s environmental health and life essence) is very important to Maori. All waterways are considered to be wahi tapu for Maori, therefore it is essential these are protected and restored.

Designs can help enhance the mauri of the park by:

  • engaging with local mana whenua to learn about the place and to plan appropriate actions and restoration activities for the park
  • incorporating information, signage or interactive elements that reveal stories about the significance of features within the park. This could be a particular plant species or a food source that the rivers provided for Maori
  • identifying key environmental aspects of the park which are particularly degraded, and working to restore these back to their full function.


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