Relating the building to the street Print

Design Outcome

Desi​gn Checklist​​

  1. The design of the apartment frontage responds to the context of the wider street 
  2. The apartment building and any associated private spaces on the street front (e.g. a privacy strip or setback) are located next to the street boundary 
  3. The building entrance is safe, welcoming and clearly visible from the street 
  4. The space or spaces between the building and the street are designed as an integral part of the overall design

Better Design Practice

Undertake an analysis of the wider area to help understand the characteristics of the street, including the built environment and private open spaces that line its edges.

Reference or repeat existing patterns of setbacks from front and side boundaries, and reinforce or repeat landscaping. This will help the new development fit within the existing area and reinforce a sense of place.

Design the apartment development so that the massing of the building reinforces the street edge.

The building frontage that faces the street should be well composed with careful attention to the arrangement of its components, such as entrances, windows and canopies, to support an attractive pedestrian experience.

Consider the types of fencing that have been used along the street and complement these where possible.​

Car parking should be contained to the rear or within structures (e.g. in the basement) so as not to be visible from the street.

Any drop-off facility or car parking between the street and the building needs to be designed to a high standard so as not to detract from the building frontage. Such elements should be kept to a minimum and designed as an integral part of the development.
Main entrances should face the street and provide shelter from the wind and rain.

Locate all services (waste, recycling etc.) away from the building frontage or entrances. Provide designated areas that are visually contained but easily accessible for residents.

Use landscaping at the front of the building to enhance the overall street character, supporting any locally relevant or positive features, and reinstate any planting that is part of a consistent pattern along the street.

Any private or communal open space located next to the street should be designed to provide both oversight to the street and privacy for the residents, without using high blank walls.

Rules of Thumb

The building entrance and approach should be well lit and have level (or gently sloping) access from the street (1:12 / 1:20), to enable access for all.

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