Landscape and natural character values Print

Design Outcome

​​​​​​An environmental framework preserves the unique landscape attributes of a site by protecting, restoring and buffering significant elements. 

​Landscape attributes are captured as part of the Site Assessment phase summarised in Tables 1 and 2. The attributes that make up our landscapes include: 
  • Biophysical elements, patterns and processes 
  • Sensory qualities 
  • Spiritual, cultural and social associative activities and meanings. 
​​The aim is to maintain and enhance these values within the development form. There are strong networking effects when these attributes are combined into a recognisable landscape pattern i.e. the attributes combined are worth more than the sum of their parts. 

For example, when an isolated gully system is connected to an intact stream corridor, it enhances the natural drainage pattern of the site, the associated natural character values, the ecological connections in the catchment, and the landscape coherency. It may also assist in the visual mitigation of buildings and infrastructure. For further information, refer to Section B. 

Further discussion on landscape and natural character values can be found in Auckland Regional Council Technical Report TR2009/083 Landscape and Ecology Values within Stormwater Management (Lewis et al., 2010).

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