Design For Comfort And Safety Print

Design Outcome

​​Provide a range of amenities, such as: seating, shade and drinking fountains.

 Ensure amenities are appropriate for the scale and purpose of the park, and also cater for a variety of ages and abilities. Design well-signposted, interesting and welcoming entrances to the park. Apply Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Injury Prevention Through Environmental Design (IPTED) principles from the outset.

Create comfortable spaces for everyone

In addition to providing facilities for active sports, ensure an enjoyable environment is provided for others, including spectators and other park users. Provide appropriate amenities to create a comfortable park experience which will encourage repeat visits.

Provide appropriate amenities such as:

  • sufficiently wide paths (to accommodate both spectators and walkers/cyclists)
  • drinking fountains, picnic tables, and seats
  • changing rooms with toilets and showers
  • spectator seating
  • circuit exercise equipment
  • shelter (e.g. large specimen tress or small built structures integrated into an existing building).

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