Connect Places Print

Design Outcome

​​Connect our parks to one another and to the surrounding neighbourhood.

Develop greenways that connect our parks, streets and esplanade reserves to create a green movement network across Auckland and around the coast. Create or improve connections with surrounding transport networks, community facilities and local businesses. Use wayfinding signage to help people find their way.

Integrate wayfinding signage

Sports parks are generally large spaces with multiple entry and exit points, and are often used by visiting sports teams. Navigation through these parks is important and can be made easier with clear wayfinding signage. Clear entry and exit points can become key meeting places for sports teams or children being picked up by adults, therefore it is essential that these are easily found and navigable.

Integrate good signage by:

  • Clearly distinguishing entry and exit points with signage (e.g. Totara West Entrance)
  • Locate wayfinding signage throughout the park, at entrances, and key junctions
  • Always include a "You Are Here" marker on the map to help users orient themselves.

Better Design Practice

Rules of Thumb

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