Connect Places Print

Design Outcome

​​​Connect our parks to one another and to the surrounding neighbourhood.

Develop greenways that connect our parks, streets and esplanade reserves to create a green movement network across Auckland and around the coast. Create or improve connections with surrounding transport networks, community facilities and local businesses. Use wayfinding signage to help people find their way.

Connect with the wider context

Design parks with knowledge and understanding of their surroundings, to ensure they fit seamlessly into the wider context of the area. Successful links should respond to the community’s needs as this will increase use of the park.

Successfully connect with the wider context by:

  • linking to existing and proposed movement networks in the area through the site
  • ensuring movement networks follow desire lines and have adequate wayfinding signage
  • highlighting views and long range vistas, and planning for their long term protection by planting low-growing vegetation
  • understanding the surrounding open space, ecological corridors and greenways which could be connected to
  • connecting with and enhancing water networks (streams, rivers or piped stormwater systems),and green networks (shrub and native planted areas).

Better Design Practice

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