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Design Outcome

​​Implement energy efficient systems that make the most of limited resources, such as power and water.

Building materials and design elements should be appropriate to context, cost efficient (considering whole of life cost), durable, and be made of parts that can be easily replaced if damaged. Design the park for ease of maintenance from the outset.

Plan and execute successful revegetation plans

Revegetate a site to restore native vegetation types that are depleted or locally extinct, and to strengthen their connections with surrounding ecosystems. Ensure the long term success of revegetation with ongoing pest and weed management for the site. The key steps for successful site restoration include understanding the budget, site preparation, plant palette selection, implementation, ongoing weed and pest control and succession planting.

Plan and execute successful revegetation plans by:

  • identifying and protecting vulnerable areas of vegetation, such as wetlands, to ensure their ongoing viability
  • using restoration techniques to reintegrate appropriate species that have been lost from the site
  • applying best practice revegetation principles. This includes using recyclable sleeves around new plants and ensuring good quality plant stock is used
  • working with other conservation agencies and volunteers to share knowledge, learnings and custodianship
  • including long term maintenance and succession planting in any revegetation strategies.


Use eco-sourced planting for restoration work

Planting specimens sourced from the local area (eco-sourced) will maintain local genetics, preserve local pollinator populations and provide stronger, healthier and more resilient plants.

Plants sourced from within the Auckland region (and from within your local ecological district) are better adapted to conditions here, and are more likely to survive and help to preserve plants from this region. These are important for restoration areas that receive minimal maintenance. Eco-sourcing also allows planting to be consistent with the natural character of the local area and region. Ecological districts differ in character from one another in topography, geology, climate, soils and land use. It is important to eco-source from within the same ecological district in which you are planting. 

For more information, read our eco-sourcing brochure.​

For good plant restoration work ensure:
  • plants grown from a local seed source (located as close as possible to the site) are used. If this is not possible, use plants sourced from environmental conditions similar to that of the planting site
  • a seed source is arranged early on in the project
  • plants that are sterile and mass produced for commercial purposes are avoided.

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