Utilise The Economic Benefits Print

Design Outcome

​Identify and develop relationships with neighbouring land owners such as churches, schools and businesses.

Work with them to use the park design as a catalyst for the improvement of the neighbourhood as a whole. Design to create a destination that can contribute to Auckland's tourism economy. Use interpretation to educate and inspire visitors about what makes Auckland unique and special.

Identify opportunities to bring economic benefits

Civic spaces have many measurable economic benefits. They are often the centre of community life and can contribute significantly to land values in a city. Civic spaces can be major catalysts for revitalizing neighborhoods, and provide opportunities for small-scale entrepreneurship by providing a venue for markets and other events. In some cases, excellent civic spaces become major tourist attractions and contribute to the local tourism economy.

Designs should identify opportunities to bring economic benefits by:

  • engaging with nearby businesses to identify any ways they might be interested in using the space
  • creating vibrant and attractive areas for walking, gathering, and shopping
  • designing attractive spaces that draw people in
  • enabling a range of events by providing flat open areas with access to water and power at key locations across the site
  • working with neighboring businesses to investigate ways to enhance and activate the edges of the space (e.g. outdoor café furniture for outdoor dining).

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