Safety, activity and overlooking Print

Design Outcome

Desi​gn Checklist

  1. The apartment development is safe and secure for residents and visitors, and is perceived as such 
  2. The apartment development contributes to the safety of the surrounding public space​

Better Design Practice

Design the building to maximise passive surveillance by locating windows and balconies to provide views onto the street and entrance areas or other open spaces.

Orientate living areas and apartment units that are designed for families to overlook over public or communal open spaces.

Use corner windows, bay windows and balconies that project beyond the main facade to enable a wider angle of vision to the street.

Provide casual views of common internal areas, such as lobbies and foyers, hallways, recreation areas and car parks.

Avoid blind or dark alcoves near entrances, lifts and stairwells, and within car parks, corridors and walkways.

Create clear sightlines into the development, and provide well-lit routes throughout the development.

Provide appropriate levels of lighting for all indoor and outdoor common areas, and for car parks and their access points.

Ongoing management of the building is critical. Places that are kept tidy and attractive give the impression that the residents and management do not tolerate disorder and crime.

The property is well maintained and any signs of disorder or neglect are removed at the earliest opportunity.

Rules of Thumb

The more windows overlooking public and communal spaces the better.

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