Barry Curtis Park


When complete, this extra large park will undoubtedly be the community hub of the south, offering a wide variety of amenities and facilities for people to enjoy year round.

Project Summary

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Barry Curtis Park is the largest urban park to be developed in Auckland in the last 100 years, and once completed it will be larger than Auckland Domain.

An ecological ‘Wetland Neighbourhood Play Park’ is intended to prompt children’s interest in wetlands and stormwater ponds through interactive features, play elements and sculpture.

The park incorporates 55km of protected natural stream and gully areas that create a network of ‘green fingers’ that connect the residential areas of Flat Bush with the park. A majority of existing houses are within a five minute walk of a ‘green finger’.

The Barry Curtis Park Skate Park is one of the largest in the country, and was designed by Isthmus and a professional consultant. The public had a voice in the design through a designated website and social networking sites such as Facebook, which are still used as tools for event news and management. The skate park creates a focal point for skaters, to deter them from using schools and streetscapes for the sport.

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