Connect The Environment Print

Design Outcome

​Identify and understand the surrounding landscape and wider ecological systems. 

Make ecosystems more resilient by using vegetation to create connections and corridors between parks and wider networks. Protect and enhance viewpoints and significant natural features. Ensure that movement networks through the natural environment respect the existing terrain, flora and fauna, heritage and cultural values.


Retain and enhance important views 

Views can give a sense of place, orientation and identity. In Auckland, many of viewsinvolve volcanic cones or coastal vistas. Views allow us to visually escape from our immediate surroundings and can promote a sense of openness and connectivity. Locations with views are also great places to locate rest spots and interpretative signage.


Protect and enhance important views by:

  • identifying important views that could be retained, restored or enhanced or where an opportunity exists to create a new view shaft
  • protecting, maintaining and maximising views to and from significant points or features by:
    • avoiding the placement of large specimen trees and vegetation that may obscure key views as they mature
    • drawing attention to view shafts with features such as seating and viewing platforms
  • identifying any long range panoramic vistas which could be enjoyed and appreciated from within the site
  • protecting and enhancing any views shafts to volcanic cones, or other iconic Auckland features.​

Conserve and enhance the interfaces between water and land

Auckland is located on an isthmus with three harbours and many islands, making water an integral component of many of its parks. The interfaces between water and land are sensitive but dynamic spaces which hold opportunities to: improve water quality, stabilise river banks and coastal edges, discover archaeological heritage and integrate recreation and learning opportunities for the public.


Enhance Auckland's waterfront by:

  • protecting and conserving any coastal, lake, wetland, harbour and river edgeson site
  • planting appropriate species along the riparian edges to improve wildlife habitat, enhance water quality and reduce erosion
  • identifying if any archaeological sites exist along these interfaces through research, engagement with manawhenua and careful site investigation. If any are found, ensure appropriate protection measures are taken with involvement from manawhenua
  • providing opportunities for the public to interact with the water along these edges through bridges, board walks, trails or platforms
  • ensuring facilities and structures are set back a suitable distance from water edges
  • acceptthat erosion and seal level rise are natural processes and planning for them to happen in the design. For example, set car parks and buildings well back from the beach.​

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