Treasure The Natural Environment Print

Design Outcome

​Identify, protect and enhance prominent views, natural landscape features, indigenous ecosystems and habitats, and areas of ecological or biodiversity value. 

Implement weed and pest management measures and restoration planting schemes where appropriate. Incorporate interpretive signage to help people understand and value our special natural environments.​


Minimize intervention

Limit intervention in historic heritage environments so that these places can be handed onto future generations with integrity and authenticity. Minimise damage or changes to the landscape. This reduces the risk of disturbing or destroying any features which have not been discovered, and prevents the disturbance of natural systems such as hydrological patterns.Projects which involve historic heritage should follow the minimal intervention principles set out in the ICOMOS NZ Charter (2010). <hyperlink to:>


Minimize intervention by:

  • avoiding modification, damage and destruction of all archaeological sitesand sites of significance to manawhenua
  • avoiding modification, damage and destruction of all existing natural heritage features including historic trees, plantings and boundary treatments.
Make informed material and planting choices

New designs in and around heritage environments must be sympathetic to the existing heritage features, in order to create a cohesive design. Retain and enhance the natural heritage of a place to preserve our past and help tell our stories. 

Do this by:

  • researching the place through site visits, background research and examining historic photographs and plans. Use this information to guide design decisions
  • retaining any existing historic planting, boundary treatments and features
  • investigating if there is a particular species or planting palette with a unique association to the site or its surrounding  community. This could be considered character vegetation and designers should incorporate it into the site design, where possible, to create a sense of place
  • ensuring any new species planted reflectthe heritage values and attributes of the site. Natives are encouraged, but they may not be appropriate in all cases. Weed species and species harmful to New Zealand ecosystems must be avoided
  • obtaining archaeological advice before undertaking planting on or near these sensitive areas 
  • taking a precautionary approach when removing anything from  a heritage environment
  • selecting colours, plant species and materials used in the environment historically​


Better Design Practice

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