Treasure Our Maori Identity Print

Design Outcome

Work with mana whenua to identify, protect and conservesites of cultural significance, including wā​hi tapu. 

Incorporate appropriate interpretation, design items, or artworks which connect visitors with our Maori identity, heritage and culture.​

Understand the tangible and intangible heritage values

Designers must have a clear understanding of all tangible and intangible heritage features on the site, in order to prevent the accidental damage or loss of heritage. Designers should be especially aware of the connections manawhenua have with the place, as these connections may not manifest themselves physically. All parks should clearly treasure our Maori identity, heritage and culture, in addition to our other heritage features and values.

Prior to any interventions or plans, designers should:

  • undertake a desktop study and  site survey to identify and understand the significance of any cultural, historic and natural heritage features on the site
  • identify the type of the parkland and whether it is reserved under the Reserves Act (e.g. pleasure garden, common, scenic reserve, government domain etc.)
  • research and engage with relevant stakeholders and partners, including the local community and manawhenua, to identify the heritage features, histories, stories and values associated with the site
  • check the Cultural Heritage Inventory​ and contact Auckland Council's Heritage Unit for advice
  • understand the formal heritage protection mechanisms in place (e.g. legacy regional or district plans, the Unitary Plan, the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero​ and the archaeological site provisions of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014), and apply for any necessary consents
  • find out if there is an existing conservation plan, management plan or other heritage documentation relating to the site, and if so, read it carefully
  • map out the areas of the park with heritage features or associated stories and use this plan to inspire and inform the overall layout and park design
  • engage with the relevant stakeholders and partners, including manawhenua and the local community, to develop a plan for conserving, protecting and interpreting the heritage features on site.
  • tell stories told through interpretive elements, such as art and signage
  • record all the heritage information gathered to inform future development and ongoing maintenance of the park.​​

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