Connect Places Print

Design Outcome

Connect our parks to one another and to the surrounding neighbourhood. 

Develop greenways that connect our parks, streets and esplanade reserves to create a green movement network across Auckland and around the coast. Create or improve connections with surrounding transport networks, community facilities and local businesses. Use wayfinding signage to help people find their way.


Link with the surroundings

Interesting associations with people and landscapes should be revealed and expressed through the design. Celebrating these associations can enhance and strengthen the meaning of heritage features on site and contribute to identity and distinctiveness. Create links to important views where possible.


Make good links with surroundings by:

  • engaging with stakeholders and the community to identify any historic themes that link elements within the site, or to the wider landscape.These could be local, regional or wider themes
  • designing elements such as plaques, memorials signage or a wider heritage trail that reflect the  themes that are discovered
  • identifying the surrounds, wider settings, views and vistas that contribute to the overall intrinsic value of the park, and create physical and visual links to them in the design
  • anticipating proposed developments that may happen near the site. Consider the way features are currently experienced, and how this could change over time
  • investigating opportunities to re-unite historic heritage places and landscapes through acquisition and design​

Better Design Practice

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