Treasure Our Communities Print

Design Outcome

Engage early with all interested community members and groups to understand their needs and aspirations, and reflect their wishes in the design. ​​

Work closely with the community to incorporate design elements which reflect a distinct sense of place. Tell local history stories, and convey the community's connection with the place.


Incorporate simple and informative signage

Enable people to understand the landscape and its processes to encourage greater public awareness, appreciation and stewardship of the place.


Do this by:

  • identifying interesting aspects of the park and using simple interpretive elements, such as signage, to help people learn about what makes the place special or unique
  • providing signage to indicate where restoration work is underway, what is being done and why and to encourage visitors to get involved
  • using signage to educate the public about the unique habitat, flora and fauna in the area​
  • ​​


Better Design Practice

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