Landscaping Print

Design Outcome

Ground floor and surface car parking, as well as the ground floor area of parking buildings, shouldn’t appear as a vast expanse of hard surfaces and vehicles. A quality landscape design will improve the appearance and performance of these areas, as well as improve the environmental impact of the development.​​

The landscape treatment of car parks will enhance users’ experience and add value to the associated area or buildings. Well considered landscape design will also improve users’ safety and security through surface treatments and lighting arrangements. Employing a Water Sensitive Design (WSD) approach, such as raingardens, can help to contribute positively to water quality and biodiversity.

Attractive, well-designed surface parking can help attract visitors to retail outlets or facilities, and raise the value of residences or offices.

The design solutions outlined in this section can be applied across surface parking scenarios, from large open parking lots to discrete parking stands.​

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